The Ultimate Guide to Maximizing your Travel Dollar - General Tier
Save hundreds on your next vacation and thousands throughout your life
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Ever wanted to just travel, but you couldn't do it because you didn't have the money, or because you were just too nervous to go abroad to a different culture and didn't know what to expect? In this comprehensive course, you will learn exactly how you can save hundreds and thousands of dollars (euros, pounds, dinars, etc.) on your next vacation, and how you can have the most fulfilling vacation. You will also learn a lot of the mistakes to avoid so that your travels can go as smoothly as possible.
The content of this course is a combination of my own personal knowledge and experience as well as expert advice from conferences, blogs, and books, so you have multiple sources brought into one. You won't have to go out looking for advice from travel hacking blog to another. I have taken the best information from all these different sources, and brought it all in to this one course so you can just access it from one place. This course is actionable as well, so you won't be dealing with information overload.
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Aiming to promote geographic and cultural literacy through education and travel by providing cultural educational materials as well as helping people travel more on their budget!